Helping early care and education providers through training, support and professional development opportunities.


The more you know, the better they grow.

Highly skilled and trained providers can provide better learning experiences and outcomes for all children. That’s why the Connecticut’s Office of Early Childhood, through the United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1 Child Care, launched Thrive! Its purpose is to provide child care providers with a variety of professional development opportunities that improve the level of quality in programs.

Committed to Your Success

OEC is committed to your success as an early care and education provider. The Thrive! Quality Recognition and Improvement System (QRIS) will provide training and technical assistance. These opportunities will assist programs and providers in meeting the components of a comprehensive QRIS.

Professional Development Opportunities

Early care and education providers have access to training programs, technical assistance and professional development opportunities that include college credit level courses, health and safety training assistance, obtaining national quality accreditations, coaching, evidenced-based curriculum and assessments, inter-agency partnerships and more.